Sacramento democrats propose no state income tax for teachers

Here's another terrible idea from the losers in Sacramento.  Proposed Senate Bill 807 would give quite a generous tax break to teachers, exempting them from paying state income tax after five years of teaching.

Teachers and educators would also be allowed a tax deduction for the cost of getting a teaching credential.

Democratic Senators Harry Stearns from Los Angeles and Cathleen Galgiani from Stockton are the "brains" behind this bill.

Here's what Stearns has to say:

“The teaching profession is critical to California’s economic success and impacts every vocation and profession in the state. SB 807 addresses the immediate teacher shortage and sends a loud and clear message across the state and nation: California values teachers.”

He also justified the tax break by saying:

“Teachers are the original job creators."

Public schools in California have become a joke.  There has to be a better way to get good teachers and results in our schools.

This is just a stupid idea.

Read more at the SacBee.

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