Hold on to your bottles, there's a tequila shortage brewing

Higher demand worldwide for tequila is leading to a potential years long shortage. Agave farmers are trying to keep up with orders by cutting corners in their harvesting, being forced to harvest their plants before they've fully matured. Agave plants are the blueish succulent that is key in the manufacturing of tequila and are supposed to grow for seven to eight years before being collected. This is because older plants can yield more alcohol. So, this means that younger plants being harvested amass LESS alcohol. Reuters estimates that this problem might not correct itself until 2020. 

Tequila connoisseurs who were interviewed about the shortage estimate that the current supply of agave is less than half of what is needed to fuel the tequila industry. Part of the problem is that agave has been tapped as a sugar substitute. 

Farmers are attempting different planting techniques to obtain a quicker grow but, in the meantime, maybe we can make rum or vodka trendy to give them a chance to catch up. 

Read more a Reuters

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