Family of Slain Puppy Speaks Out

The family whose puppy died after a United Airlines flight attendant forced them to put it in an overhead stoarge bin is telling their side of the story. 

Speaking to Good Morning America, a weepy 11 year old Sophia Ceballos spoke about her dog saying, "He was a member of our family, he was like a brother to me." 

Ceballos was traveling with her mother Catalina Robledo and newborn brother home to New York after visiting Robledo's husband while he's working in Houston TX. 10 month old puppy, Kokito, made the trip as well. 

On their flight home, after ensuring that Kokito was abiding by all TSA regulations, died after a flight attendant decided he needed to ride overhead. 

“We were gonna put him under the seat and then the flight attendants came, she said, ‘You have to put him up there because it’s going to block the path.’ And we’re like, ‘It’s a dog, it’s a dog.’ And she’s like, ‘It doesn’t matter you still have to put it up there,’ ” Ceballos recalled on GMA. “She helped her put it up, and she just closed it like it was a bag.” 

Read more at Fox News 

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