Washington Post Decided To Highlight Mayor Yoga Pants

Photo: Getty Images

We woke up this morning and as we were doing our news roundup, we came across an article that we honestly thought we'd never see.

The Washington Post wrote a profile sucking up to Eric Garcetti. Yes, that one. Yes the mayor of Los Angeles.

We're not lying. They were highlighting Garcetti's approach to tackling the COVID-19 pandemic and how he's been actively trying to reshape the city's future.

It's this LONG piece praising Garcetti for stuff that he's completely failed out.

We just could not believe this was published. Protestors in Los Angeles are protesting with signs asking Garcetti to resign, the LAPD union has called Garcetti unstable.

Angelenos cannot stand him. It doesn't matter what side you are on. Each side cannot stand how Garcetti has done anything in this city.

Homelessness continues to get worse, the housing crisis is never resolved, infrastructure is horrible, all of his city council members get nothing done.

Maybe the Washington Post should do more research into who Garcetti really is.

To read this suck up piece, please read here.

Contenido patrocinado

Contenido patrocinado