Fourth Bomb Set Off in Austin TX, Cops Want to Start a Dialogue

There have been four bombings in Austin Texas since March 2. The bomb that detonated Sunday night was much more sophisticated than the previous three package bombs responsible for deaths and injuries to four people. 

The bomb that detonated Sunday evening was triggered by a trip wire, as confirmed by Interim Austin Police Chief Brian Manley. Two men in their early twenties were hurt in the blast but are reportedly in good condition 

Fred Milanowski is the Special Agent from the ATF sent in from Houston to handle the investigation and had this to say about the progression of the bombs: 

Milanowski said the latest bomb was “concerning because someone that even gets close to this package and potentially puts pressure on this wire, this trip wire, is going to set that off. Someone may be able to see a package, and something anchored in the ground,” he said. That may give them a better indication (of danger), but we’re really asking people if there’s anything suspicious, just call police. We don’t know why the bomber is doing this,” he said. “We don’t know his reasons. We don’t know what’s brought him to this level of violence, and we would really like the bomber to contact us so we can talk.” 

Read more at the Statesman 

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