Vietnam Vet Gets His Hand Cut Off In Meat Mixer, Says "I Can Handle This"

A Vietnam veteran was making sausage at his home in Jamestown, North Dakota when he said he accidentally activated the machine while his hand was inside of the meat mixer...

“I just looked and knew I was in big trouble,” he said.

Half of 69-year-old Myron Schlafman's arm was stuck inside of the meat mixer. He said he instantly knew what he had to do to avoid bleeding to death. So he grabbed a nearby knife, and cut his arm free.

Since the accident in August, Schlafman has kept relatively quiet until now. In a recent interview with KFGO radio, he opened up about the incident, saying he's never appreciated life just as much as he does now.

He also said he credits two local police officers with saving his life, thanks to their quick thinking and help with getting him to the hospital. Schlafman ended up spending nine days there, and undergoing three different surgeries.

“It would be very easy to sit back, feel sorry for myself and get depressed,” he said. “I went through Vietnam. I can handle this.”

The vet is currently waiting for his arm to heal, then doctors will be able to fit him with a prosthetic replacement.

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