L.A. Metro to Host Four Traffic Reduction Study Meetings Starting Wednesday

LOS ANGELES (CNS) - The Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority will hold four virtual public workshops starting today to provide details on its Traffic Reduction Study.

The two-year study will focus on determining if, where and how a potential pilot program that includes congestion pricing and transportation options could reduce traffic to make it easier for people to get around, regardless of how they travel, Metro stated.

A recommended pilot will be brought to the Metro board in partnership with one or more cities for their consideration.

Metro officials say efforts to ease traffic have not kept up with demands of long-term regional growth. While the COVID-19 pandemic has reduced traffic congestion, traffic is likely to return and get worse as the economy and growth get back on track.

Over the summer months, overall travel on Los Angeles regional freeways was back to 90% of what it was in January, Metro stated.

Workshops will publicly introduce and explain congestion pricing, describe Metro's study methodology and present next steps in the study process for future public input, the agency stated.

County residents interested in learning more about the study can register online for the meetings, which will be the same at each workshop.

Participants will be able to join online or call in. Live translations in Spanish will be available.

The meeting times and dates are:

-- 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday (link: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mpb4opHzTOi__1gauDWgtw).

-- 10 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, (link: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_2xOP35LqTKiKGjFWPj67SA).

-- Noon to 1:30 p.m. Saturday (Spanish-only presentation), (link: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_GX-qzQzgQyiK1FTVBhULfQ).

-- 6 to 7:30 p.m. next Tuesday.

Those who provide emails at registration will receive meeting log-in details and reminder notifications.

Participants will not be signed up to receive further communications from Metro. Personal information will not be used for any other purposes, Metro stated.

Special ADA and Title VI accommodations are available to the public for Metro-sponsored meetings. All requests for reasonable accommodations and translation must be made at least three working days (72 hours) in advance of the scheduled meeting date.

People can call the project information line at 213-393-3905 or California Relay Services at 711 for assistance.

As part of the study, Metro representatives said they will engage communities historically marginalized in transportation decisions to ensure the recommended pilot would benefit these communities.

Any potential pilot will require a close partnership with one or more cities, Metro stated, and the agency will design the recommended pilot to support economic prosperity, environmental and economic justice and improved public health and safety.

More information on the study is available at www.metro.net/trafficreduction, and the source.metro.net/2020/09/16/why-are-we-pursuing-a-traffic-reduction-study/.

Photo: Getty Images

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